Project Overview
The Peo-Boswa (Seeds of Heritage) project is a flagship initiative implemented in partnership with D-Prize and the U.S. Department of State through IREX. This initiative aims to support 100 smallholder farmers in Botswana by providing them with quality inputs for sustainable food production. Through this collaboration, we are helping to strengthen the resilience of rural communities by improving access to seeds and organic fertilizers.
Project Objectives
Improved agricultural productivity
Improve the productivity of smallholder farmers through access to quality inputs, such as seeds and organic fertilizers.
Support sustainable agriculture.
Support government agricultural initiatives, such as "Temo Letlotlo," aimed at promoting sustainable and resilient agriculture in Botswana.
Build agricultural partnerships.
Create strong partnerships with stakeholders in the agricultural value chain, including seed suppliers, organic fertilizer manufacturers, and village development committees.
The project relies on the importance of the role of civil society organizations (CSOs) to complement government agricultural initiatives. By working hand in hand with Village Development Committees (VDCs) and other local partners, we help build an inclusive and sustainable value chain for smallholder farmers.
We also focus on a peer-to-peer learning approach among farmers, highlighting peer-to-peer learning methods. These exchanges allow farmers to acquire essential skills to improve their agricultural practices and increase the productivity of their farms.
Approach and Methodology
Smallholder Farmers Served: We enabled 100 smallholder farmers with quality seeds and organic fertilizers during the pilot phase
Individuals in Farming Households impacted: Our project positively impacted 500 individuals in farming families, that is an average household size of 5
of our beneficiaries are women farmers
Local community involvement is at the heart of the Peo-Boswa project. Village Development Committees (VDCs) play a central role in the governance and management of agricultural projects, ensuring that smallholders adopt sustainable practices.
Involve local communities
of inputs distributed
The success of the Peo-Boswa project relies on strategic partnerships with:
Our Partners
How to Become a Partner?
Would you like to learn more or support our initiative? Contact us to find out more about our partnerships and collaboration opportunities.
With Peo Boswa finally having enabled us to have access to Millet Seeds and Fertilizers to prepare for the planting season on time, I am thankful. I am making a commitment to adhere to the right management practices so that I can yield more, earn more and make an income from my harvest
Thank you Peo Boswa for the solution you brought to us as Farmers especially because seed security is a challenge therefore by enabling us as farmers to have access quality seeds, you empower us to drive seed security as the name of the initiative says: “Seeds of Heritage”. I am thankful for the Sorghum Seeds
For the longest time we have been broadcasting our fertilizers but thanks to Peo Boswa for teaching us the benefits of micro dosing fertilizers and helping us to access it right on time for the rainy season. We applaud this initiative and wish to see it scale into other parts of Botswana
Gaborone, Botswana
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